collage created by Luanna Alves from O fantástico mundo de Suri
Suri Cruise celebrated her third birthday with a small gathering of friends and family at home in Los Angeles Thursday afternoon.
Parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes planned a princess-themed party for their daughter, which included a cake featuring Belle from Beauty and the Beast and a treasure hunt.
"They just wanted to keep it small and make it fun for Suri and her friends," says a source.
reported by People
Awww, Thank you for publishing my collage.
Happy Birthday Suri!
Luanna, you did a great job! i love your collage :)
happy birthday suri!!!
love the collage...its beautiful!!!
Yes, it's a grear collage! Good job Luanna, and thanks Stardust!
We were thining of Suri yesterday, too. I guess she had a wonderful day. Would LOVE to know who was there and what the little princess was wearing. ;)
OMG. suri is surely a real princess. happy birthday suri!
that a nice picture!happy birthday suri
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